[SCCC] ki6qdh rtty wpx

Fred Petrotta ki6qdh at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 12 23:34:53 EST 2017

 CallSign Used : KI6QDH
      Operator(s) : KI6QDHOperator Category : SINGLE-OP
Assisted Category : ASSISTED
             Band : ALL
            Power : HIGH
             Mode : RTTY

        Band     QSOs     Pts  WPX  Pt/Q
         3.5      52     108   28   2.1
           7       5      12    2   2.4
          14     304     450  163   1.5
          21      77     180   52   2.3
       Total     438     750  245   1.7
            Score : 183,750
Put in about 15 hours, but missed a lot of night time, as my steppIR 40 trombone would not go to 40m?? not sure why
I have been having this problem-calibrate does not seem to fix the problem. Good way to spend a rainy day though!!
yaesu ft-2000     expert 1k-fa
2el steppIR/40m at 40 ft.   80m dipole
n1mm+   micro Keyer II

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