Art - W6KY
w6ky at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 13 01:52:17 EST 2017
Found an interesting thing in N1MM. Double click on a screwball
callsign like VB7150 and it enters the window ok. Probably in
the N1MM instructions somewhere. :)
Had my twin peak RTTY going in the PROII and a Timewave
DSP-59+ for Sunday afternoon 20 meters. Shoulder to shoulder
all the way up to 14145. Had a rate as high as 85 just S&P on
20. Better than CQ'ing with 100 watts and a vert in that crowd!
I just S&P'ed once per hour running up each band. Then back to
binge watching 6 seasons of Home Land.
73, Art W6KYw6ky.com .....................................................................................................
'Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy',,Sir Isaac Newton
From: Dennis Younker NE6I <NE6I at cox.net>
To: sccc at contesting.com
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 6:16 PM
Call: NE6I
Operator(s): NE6I
Station: NE6I
Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 22
Band QSOs
80: No antenna
40: 106
20: 176
15: 35
10: No sunspots
Total: 317 Prefixes = 172 Total Score = 94,772
Club: Southern California Contest Club
Comments: I believe this is my first time in the WPX RTTY. I only have a few
years of RTTY under my belt now (late to the party!) and apparently I have
had conflicts in years past. WPX CW and SSB are among my favorite contests
because even when there is little or no DX whether it's the time of day or
the point in the sunspot cycle, working stateside for points and multipliers
keeps things fun for me. True to form, the RTTY version was a lot of fun.
The lower sunspot numbers caused quite a bit of compacting on 20 meters. At
times, there were stations every kHz (or less!) and that tested the rig's
DSP. Armed with my trusty HOA antenna, I was S&P virtually the entire
contest but finally had a good (for me) run on 20 by parking near the top of
the RTTY sub band during the last 90 minutes. That was fun.
Wonder if VB7150 is regretting using that call in a contest. N1MM+ did not
recognize it as a valid call here but a manual override took care of that.
Naturally, the first time I ran across him, he was surrounded by QRM and I
had to listen for a couple of minutes to verify the print was correct. A
quick check on QRZ.com validated that it was a legit call.
ARRL DX CW is next week. Let's hope for a higher SFI! Hope all SCCCers will
get on for as long as time permits to contribute to the club score.
Remember, all scores help!
Rig: FTDX3000D
Amp: Alpha 87A
Ant: Cushcraft D4 very low to hide from the HOA police
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