W6ph at aol.com W6ph at aol.com
Mon Oct 9 17:40:40 EDT 2017

 California QSO Party

Call: W6PH
Operator(s): W6PH
Station:  W6PH

Class: SOFixed HP
QTH: Lone Pine CA (Inyo)
Operating Time  (hrs): 14.1

Band  CW Qs  Ph  Qs
160:     36     
80:    153     
40:    252     
20:    387     
15:    206     
10:     36          
Total:  1070    0  Mults =  55  Total Score = 176,550

Club:  Bishop ARC  


K3 to Expert 1.3K
160 Inductively loaded  sloper
80  Sloper
40  40-2CD
20  3el yagi  (homebrew)
15  5el yagi (N8SM design)
10  A3S
(All antennas  on AB-577's at 60 feet)

This weekend was a mess for me.  Too many issues which took hours  away from
operating on Saturday.  I knew I wasn't going to be  competitive so I 
decided to
stay on CW and comply with the W6SX Prime  Directive (Have fun).  I used 
because WinTest doesn't support the  CQP.  I got a three hour tutorial 
with W6SX and felt pretty  comfortable using it.  I still prefer WinTest 
The Cal QSO Party  is still the ultimate contest for California stations.

I missed AK, NE,  and ND.  I never heard them.  The Europeans on 20m and 15m
were a  big surprise and some of them were pretty loud.

73, Kurt  W6PH

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