Joe pvjoe at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 21 14:12:53 EDT 2018

HI Guys,
My PRELIMINARY score for my TWO Band operation (20M & 40M) is as follows:
20M  51 mults & 487 QSO's40M  35 mults & 113 QSOs
Totals are 86 mults & 600 QSOs for a total of 51,600 points
I decided that with my 5el SteppIR (up about 73') with 5el  on 20 & 3el on 40M and only WIRE for 75 & 160M, I decided NOT to QSY from 40M; even with the QRN....Obviously, 20M was very good for me; 40M was not bad; but, a bit noisy here in Palos Verdes.....  
Joe  K5KT

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