[SCCC] SCCC Meeting - W6TK's in Nipomo:- Saturday, September 1

Richard J. Norton, N6AA n6aa at arrl.net
Wed Aug 22 12:31:26 EDT 2018

SCCC Members -

The W6TK DX - Contest BBQ in Nipomo, at SCCC's north end, is now also an
SCCC meeting.

Please come if you are able.

Please let Dick know if you will be attending by this Saturday.

Hope to see you there.



Dick, N6AA

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dick Stepanian <dickw6tk at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 9:13 AM
Subject: DXers/Contesters BBQ - REMINDER

REMINDER - DXers/Contesters BBQ:
   If you haven't already signed up and want to come - please let me know
by this Saturday, Aug 24. Also, if you are planning to bring a salad or
dessert please let me know if you haven't already done so.  Looking forward
to our time together on Sep 1.  Dick, N6AA, will be available to give us an
update on the latest happenings at HQ. Also Bill, WA5VGI, will be available
to check DXCC QSL Cards, including 160 Mtrs.

   We already have a good crowd planning to attend, including several new
people.  Please let me know if you haven't signed up and would like to

Dick - W6TK
PS - New comers are welcome!

                             *****   DXers and Contesters  *****

                  Mark *Saturday, Sep 1,* for our next DXers/Contesters BBQ.
     We will shoot for serving lunch at noon at 641 Sandydale Dr Nipomo, CA
 You are welcome anytime after 11AM. We will have snacks available
beginning at 11AM.  Come prepared to eat and enjoy a few hours with your
DXer/Contester friends and swap all the stories of the BIG one you got or
missed or never heard!  Wives of course are welcome and encouraged to
come.  Newcomers who may be interested are also welcome.
                                 Please RSVP no-later-than Friday, August 24

    Hope you can make it to catch up and get in on the latest chatter.  If
you can bring a salad or dessert it would be welcome but don't let that
keep you from coming.  We will provide meat, bread and drinks.  We will
have lemonade and soft drinks, you are welcome to bring your own beer or

    Again - please RSVP by Friday, Aug 24, and let us know if you will
bring anything.  You can RSVP either by returning this email or calling.
Home: 805.929-5969; cell: 805. 478-9583.

Dick - W6TK and Liz - W6TKF
also hosted by Bill, N6WS and Chris, WA6IET Shell and John, W6SL, and Becky

PS Email List has been changed - so please pass this along to anyone who
you think I've missed

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