[SCCC] AM to SSB transition (transceivers)

w6ph at aol.com w6ph at aol.com
Tue Dec 18 19:52:04 EST 2018

Same story for me.  In 1955 I went to the Monterey Bay Radio Club W6UCS Field Day in Pacific Grove about a week after I got my Novice license.  I watched the General Class licensees operate an ART-13 on 75 meter AM.  I asked if I could get on the air and they said I couldn't because i was a Novice.  But I was hooked on the idea of making quick contacts with all these faraway places.  It has stayed with me for 63 years and no sign of a cure.
73, Kurt W6PH
In a message dated 12/18/2018 4:37:32 PM Pacific Standard Time, n6tj at sbcglobal.net writes:

Not  on AM to SSB topic, but one of my favorite radio memories - 1955 
Field Day, Salem Amateur Radio Club,  W7SAA.  Hauling W7IQI's  fully 
assembled 2 element 20 meter quad, with tower, through the streets of 
Salem onboard a flat bed truck.  Radios Johnson's, AM and CW. Probably 
Hallicrafters receiver, Or maybe everybody's dream, National HRO-60.  We 
had pictures of Collins 75A1 and KW-1 in our QST.   Amplifier W7IQI's 
pair of 813's, on the same flat bed in a very large rack.  And the joy 
of hearing W7ASG pound out code with his Vibroplex.  Smooth like W4KFC. 
  I was forever hooked on contesting after that weekend.

Jim  N6TJ  (W7WJB)

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