[SCCC] SCCC wins gavel in January VHF contest

Wayne Overbeck overbeck6 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 6 06:59:01 EDT 2018

With the June VHF contest coming up this weekend, this is 
probably a good time to mention that the Southern California 
Contest Club won the gavel for the highest aggregate score 
in the medium club category in the January 2018 VHF contest.

SCCC had a club score of 563,408 points with just five logs.
The runner-up club was the Potomac Valley Radio Club, with 
406,783 points in 31 logs.  Contest Club Ontario was third with
305,287 points in 13 logs, while the Rochester VHF Group was
fourth with 285,266 points in 22 logs.  The North East Weak 
Signal Group was fifth with 267,122 points in 17 logs.

Of course, by far the highest overall club score was in the unlimited 
club category.  It was submitted by the perennial winner, the Mt. Airy 
VHF Radio Club in Pennsylvania, with almost two million points in 66 
logs.  Not surprisingly, no other club ventured into the unlimited 
category.  In fact, no other club had nearly enough logs to be eligible 
for the unlimited category.

Although Mt. Airy dominated most categories in the contest, SCCC 
had the top two rover scores in the country.  N6NB had 280K and 
W6TE had 244K.  We roved with K6MI and N6MTS, who had 264K 
and 263K respectively, but they were both in the unlimited rover 
category and therefore ineligible for the club competition.

Another notable score by a member of SCCC was W6IT's score of 
31K in single operator low power.  That was by far the highest SOLP 
score in the west and seventh nationally.  In fact, W6IT had a far higher 
score than any single operator high power station on the west coast.

73, Wayne, N6NB

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