[SCCC] New SCCC Webmaster - NE6I

Timothy Coker n6win at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 9 01:31:43 EST 2018

Awesome, thanks Dennis!
And thanks to Jim... his website beat the heck out of the impromptu secondary that I started on a whim the last time that things were stagnant on the website front for the club... it takes a lot for a Bruce or Jim (and others before my time knowledge) to put in their efforts, they are to be highly commended! 
I saw Jim’s contributions to the construction of an updated SCCC website as quite the modernization project and full of great content.
Thank you,

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On Thursday, March 8, 2018, 16:49, Richard J. Norton <richardjnorton at gmail.com> wrote:

Welcome to Dennis Younker, NE6I, who has volunteered to take over
management of the SCCC website.


We all owe a large thank you to Jim Forsyth, AF6O, who upgraded the site
and has maintained it for years.


Dick Norton, N6AA
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SCCC at contesting.com

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