Wolf Leverich, WA6I leverich at mtpinos.com
Sun Feb 10 21:58:02 EST 2019

Call: WA6I
Operator(s): WA6I
Station: WA6i

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: San Luis Obispo
Operating Time (hrs): 22


Band  QSOs
80m     42
40m    151
20m    190
15m    105
10m      0
       488  Prefixes = 222

Club: Southern California Contest Club


Had a bit of trouble with the rain.  It was getting into the traps,
and I could see the antenna characteristics change as I cooked the
water out.

That was something new.  Obviously, I need to take the vertical
down and reseal the trap caps ...

Also, Teh Huskies *always* needed in or out whenever I got a good
run going.  Obviously, I need to get them big bones to gnaw on
during contests ...

Finally, I need to learn to use some real contest logging
software.  It's embarrassing having no clue what my score was.

Station here is:

        Ameritron AL-80B
        TX Ant: 6BTV vertical
        RX Ant: DXE-AAPS3-1P phased 2-element array
        Bazillions of RF chokes on *everything*

        An AM BCB station spittin' distance away
        A 225KV power tower the SE corner of my micro-ranch
        Pretty much worst QTH imaginable :D

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