Stephen Merchant smerchan at sonic.net
Mon Feb 18 21:16:05 EST 2019

This topic falls into the "politics and religion" category. Marko's point
is well taken - if he puts on the trip he gets to decide how to operate.
This has also been a favorite tar baby in CQWW Committee discussions,
resulting in it finally being included under Unsportsmanlike Conduct in the
current rules. Tim outlines how most good ops like Dan do it -- if you know
you already have a pile of loud guys queued up and conditions are decent,
you can get away with a certain number of "TU"s before identifying again --
this is an instinct refined by experience . For those who can't bear to
wait more than a few milliseconds, they should take a minute to reflect on
what might be happening on the other end before condemning the offending
op. If after that they still can't wait, they should move on.

Difficult to legislate behavior these days, especially in this circumstance.

73, Steve K6AW

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Timothy Coker via SCCC <sccc at contesting.com>
Date: Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: [SCCC] W6TK - ARRL DX CW
To: Bill Haddon <haddon.bill at gmail.com>, Marko Myllymaki <
marko.l.myllymaki at gmail.com>
Cc: Bruce Horn <bhorn at hornucopia.com>, SCCC Reflector <sccc at contesting.com>

We kept to announcing our calls at ZF after every QSO this weekend and
sometimes ran 2-3 calls consecutively with just TU’s if the pileup
conditions warranted it.
I don’t think anyone would argue that not sending your call sign in the
exchange wouldn’t save time and thus increase the time you have for making
a QSO... that’s a mathematical conclusion. However the better question
would be what is the right thing to do for the ham community (like Dick not
being assisted) and what equates into better pileup management overall with
the aim towards winning.
My team mates are much more successful than I am at pileups and
contesting... some might even say one of my teammates is a top operator
these days.
I am told that while setting the CQ WW QSO record the call was announced
after nearly every QSO.
I believe each operator will draw different conclusions here... I
definitely understand where Dick is coming from and have seen or been told
first hand of highly successful DX contesting results while staying in line
with frequent identification principles.
Tim / N6WIN

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Monday, February 18, 2019, 17:24, Bill Haddon <haddon.bill at gmail.com>


Your point is well-taken. but . . . .

1) The pile-up on V4/W3UL was fairly small and easily managed.
2)  There were two other pileups going at the same timeon 20cw, both much
    KP2M  . . announcing his call very frequently and doing fine (1st-rate
    V51YJ .. monster pileup. . this op was much less experienced and
slower, maybe repeating his call too often!  But also managing his pileup
just fine.

It seems that about 2/3 of stations are using spots based on 3830scores.com
postings.  Given the poor accuracy of many spots, call sign announcment
might be valuable even for stations in assisted categories.

In my own Eu pileup Sunday morning it was especially annoying when
stations, some v. strong, just popped their call in w/o listening first.
Many of the callers usually 100 w or, occasionally, 5w,  were weak and
difficult to copy.

73 Bill n6zfo

On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 11:00 PM Marko Myllymaki <
marko.l.myllymaki at gmail.com> wrote:

> I do have bit different take on this having been on other end and using my
> own time and dollars to travel and operating from rare places.
> I have also been accused of not iding in past often enough and I have
> to improve my operating and it is probably better now.
> However, giving your call is part of managing pileup and every time you ID
> you invite more people into pile-up who otherwise may not yet get in.  I
> definitely do not support requirement to ID on every QSO (as some people
> insist we should do).  It does not make sense.  Also, it is you, who are
> the pileup ultimately who is deciding to stick around or not.  If station
> in
> other end does not give the call, he does not want more people, ie you to
> get into pile-up at that moment.  He already has enough stations to handle
> or more than he can rapidly handle and more stations would further slow
> down.  You are free to move on.  If you decide to stick around when not
> knowing who station is, then that is your decision.  Yes, I know it is
> annoying when waiting that ID, and even this weekend I did not like couple
> stations who took long time to ID.  But I completely myself decided what
> do about it, stay or move on.  I moved on one time.
> Just my opinion.
> 73 de Marko N5ZO
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SCCC <sccc-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of Bill Haddon
> Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2019 9:44 PM
> To: Bruce Horn <bhorn at hornucopia.com>
> Cc: SCCC Reflector <sccc at contesting.com>
> Subject: Re: [SCCC] W6TK - ARRL DX CW
> Bruce, WA7BNM, wrote;
> >While CQWW may have a rule regarding timely IDing, I'm not sure how
> >much
> it's enforced.
> I guess documented complaints would be req'd.  .  probably we're otherwise
> occupied after the contest.
> My work-around to allow un-assisted stations to retrieve the call after a
> minute might be helpful, but of course it might be tempt  some to use
> spots.  On the other hand,  honor system has to prevail, or our whole
> falls apart.
> Still a rule would be useful,. .  so if I were to write to W3UL, I could
> cite the rule and say please don't do this.  But there is no rule for ARRL
> contests.
> 73 Bill n6zfo
> On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 9:34 PM Bruce Horn <bhorn at hornucopia.com> wrote:
> > Hi Bill,
> >
> > While CQWW may have a rule regarding timely IDing, I'm not sure how
> > much it's enforced. Timely IDing in this weekend's DX CW contest
> > seemed better than either CQWW DX contest from last fall when I had to
> > wait minutes for at least a half-dozen stations to ID. This type of
> > rule seems to be more aspirational than enforceable.
> >
> > 73 de Bruce, WA7BNM  (bhorn at hornucopia.com)
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Bill Haddon" <haddon.bill at gmail.com>
> > To: "Dick Stepanian" <dickw6tk at gmail.com>
> > Cc: "SCCC Reflector" <sccc at contesting.com>
> > Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2019 9:26:36 PM
> > Subject: Re: [SCCC] W6TK - ARRL DX CW
> >
> > W6TK wrote:
> > >Frustration on Sunday afternoon: why
> > don't guys sign their calls - and why do callers just keep calling?
> >
> > ARRL is in the contesting stone age. . .CQWW adopted the ID rule some
> > time ago. . from CQWW 2018 rules:
> >
> >
> > . . . . . unsportsmanlike conduct may lead to disciplinary action by
> > the Committee.
> >
> > *A. Unsportsmanlike Conduct:* Examples of unsportsmanlike conduct
> > include, but are not limited to:
> >
> > . . . . . .
> >
> > 6. Running stations not identifying in a timely manner (i.e., 1 minute).
> >  ==========================
> >
> > Worst offender on Sunday:
> > V4/W3UL -- wasted 5 mins.  He was my 2nd QSO in the contest at 0001 on
> 20m
> > on Fri.  Also. .  TF3SG Sunday afternoon, but at least it was a new QSO.
> >
> > But, W3UL did supply an important multiplier for us.
> >
> > Otherwise, not too much problem with failure to id. .  at least in my
> case
> > (700 Q's and 500,000 pints) . .  no  actually points (did not drink
> 807's
> > during the contest -- half a million of them would be somewhat
> excessive).
> >
> > [A possible answer . . if a station doesn't ID in a minute, allow
> > Non-assisted ops to look at the spot for that station.]
> >
> > 73 Bill N6ZFO
> >
> > PS . . Dick, I heard KA3DRR on 20m Saturday afternoon. . Is he back?
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 4:11 PM Dick Stepanian <dickw6tk at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > >                    ARRL DX Contest, CW - 2019
> > >
> > > Call: W6TK
> > > Operator(s): W6TK
> > > Station: W6TK
> > >
> > > Class: SOAB HP
> > > QTH: SB
> > > Operating Time (hrs): 19
> > >
> > > Summary:
> > >  Band  QSOs  Mults
> > > -------------------
> > >  160:    9    8
> > >    80:  56    35
> > >    40:  124    52
> > >    20:  362    94
> > >    15:  60    30
> > >    10:    0    0
> > > -------------------
> > > Total:  611  219  Total Score = 401,427
> > >
> > > Club: Southern California Contest Club
> > >
> > > Comments: I thought Friday evening was great condx.  40 Mtrs -
> > > stateside guys were down in signal strength while DX was coming
> > > through well.  I
> > was
> > > originally
> > > planning on 20 Mtr Single Band - but 40, 80 and even 160 with my
> > > wimpy sloper was somewhat productive. Even worked several EU's on
> > > 80.  I though Sat night was much noisier than Friday night,
> > > Frustration on Sunday afternoon: why don't guys sign their calls -
> > > and why do callers just keep calling?
> > Single
> > > op forces me
> > > to wait for the DX station to either sign his call or wait for all
> > > the callers to pause long enough to copy the call.  Some guys have
> > > it down
> > good
> > > - ID every few Q's
> > > at most!  Oh well - nothing new!  Fun to have BIC.  Until next time -
> 73.
> > > Dick
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