Steve k0xp at k0xp.com
Mon Feb 18 22:54:28 EST 2019

At 09:44 PM 2/17/2019, Bill Haddon wrote:
>Still a rule would be useful,. .  so if I were to write to W3UL, I could
>cite the rule and say please don't do this.  But there is no rule for ARRL

He would just claim "But the pileup was causing me to have to do this 
and that..." and nothing gets resolved.

But honor in radiocontesting prevails. If enough folks ostrasize such 
misbehavior in some personal way, the perpetuator eventually gets the 
message. Merely talking about misbehavior, without mentioning 
names/callsigns, on public forums can be sufficient notice to the 
guilty. There are always those who can't believe folks might be 
speaking of THEM, however.

Steve, K0XP 

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