[SCCC] 432 Spring Spring - N6GP LP

Tim Goeppinger timgep at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 24 01:04:26 EDT 2020

       432 MHz Spring Sprint - 2020

Call: N6GP
Operator(s): N6GP
Station: N6GP

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 2

Total:  QSOs = 28  Mults = 5  Total Score = 140

Club: Southern California Contest Club


Thank you SCCCers for all of the contacts.  You made this Sprint a lot of fun!
446.0 was hopping!

I was up on Signal Peak in Newport Beach.  LOTS of activity this time in So
Calif. 2/3 of my QSOs were on FM, the rest on SSB.   A lot of callsigns worked
that I have never heard before, and I think we minted some new VHF Contesters
here.  Great job everyone!
Great to hear a lot of my friends on, including one of my Elmers - Paul N6LL.
N7DA put DM12 on the air with big sig from Black Mtn.  K6GLS was QRP from
Catalina Island, and Bob AF6D put DM14 on the air.
CU in a couple weeks in the 6m sprint.  Es season is here!
Rig IC-7000, 35 W.   Diamond X-30 vertical,  6 el M2 Yagi.
Was testing the Diamond vertical, and was very impressed!

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