David Hodge davidchodge at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 1 16:21:44 EST 2020

What a great weekend to be on the air! The sun bear is emerging from hibernation.
Congratulations to our local super operators. WoW!

I was on Flint Peak again practicing physical distancing radio, part SOTA part CQWW CW SWL and QRP.
I felt jolts of excitement hearing zone 18 on 20, an s7 BY5HB on 80, EU on 40 after sunrise and before sunset, zones 26/27/28 on 15.
The high points were making a QSO with RM0F on 80 and hearing both sides of a YB0ENT/P40W QSO on 20.
On Sunday I threw up a second antenna. It didn't seem to exhibit much difference. A loud IT9VDQ heard me first call on 15. I changed antennas
and called with W6UE and he came right back a second time. Go figure.
It was never obvious that there was a solar disturbance, like in my first IARU when I turned a large KB6I yagi south for an LU (not a brilliant strategic choice)
and when I returned to the original beam heading the radio seemed dead, but the quality of 10 meters seemed to change dramatically for the worse.
But, hey, it was fun while it lasted.

Here is a link to my 3830Scores score summary.


David N6AN

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