Dennis Vernacchia n6ki73 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 22:29:50 EST 2020

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Jim / Mike / Dennis - my report on CQ WW DX this weekend.
It was a hoot!

From: vk3ja at aol.com
To: vkcc at groups.io
Sent: 30/11/2020 10:58:03 AM AUS Eastern Standard Time
Subject: CQ WW DX CW

As always I like to do the "paperwork" while fresh at the contest end so to
the club here we go . . . . .

Hardly heard any VK's or ZL's in there this time but certainly everyone was
busy where I wasn't listening.
Looking forward to comments from all on this "good old days" style of
contesting - it was a great weekend.

Hope it was a success for all.
73  Steve VK3JA

*                  CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW - 2020

Call: VK3JA
Operator(s): VK3JA
Station: VK3JA

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Rural Melbourne
Operating Time (hrs): 28

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    0     0        0
   80:   32    19       50
   40:  400    19       50
   20:  334    11       17
   15:  600    17       50
   10:  419    12       41
Total: 1785    75      176  Total Score = 1,309,969

Club: VK Contest Club


How enjoyable to have great propagation again and especially welcome back to ten
meters!  This weekend seemed like the "old days" of HF contesting
returned and I feel like I've finished a physical sporting event - tired but
happy with the results.

The good solar flux allowed 15 meters to be open long hours so from VK to EU was
very busy for long periods although very little heard from NA and nil from SA.
20 meters offered the long missed long path Aussie morning opening to US/Canada
for big signals and runs of over a hundred for me both days.  From my part of
the southern tip of Australia in VK3 I normally hear very little of North
America so this long path opening on 20 provides the mults and contact numbers
that have been missing in recent years.

The best part of the weekend for me was the return of ten meters.  From VK we
normally have trans-equatorial prop to JA during the full solar cycle but his
contest the band opened to Europe for many hours.  My log shows 410 Q's on ten
that were mostly EU.  The operators on ten seemed top quality and the EU ZOO
seemed to be taking a bit of a rest this time on that band.  Hi  Hi

Thanks to all who called and I look forward to many good stories from others on
this excellent contest weekend.

73  Steve VK3JA

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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