[SCCC] Snaps and narrative of N6MI and I being W6E in CQP 2 months ago

Paul Gacek w6png at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 5 10:25:00 EST 2020

I read Marco’s summary of his visit to Maldives for CQ WW CW and thought that adventure quite remarkable.

On a more modest front here are a bunch of snaps, narrative and thoughts about playing radio in the Mojave with ambient temperatures as high as 98F…not what you want when operating all day and all night in a Jeep.

https://nomadic.blog/2020/12/05/4-days-in-purgatory/ <https://nomadic.blog/2020/12/05/4-days-in-purgatory/>

Happy holidays everyone and here’s to getting a jab, if that’s your thing. 

2021 has to be a better year than this one, right?


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