Drew Arnett arnett.drew at gmail.com
Sat Jul 4 15:01:34 EDT 2020

A couple of folks from the SoCal SOTA group are looking for 2m CW as well.

BTW, there's a fair amount of fresh blood in the SoCal SOTA group.
(Mailing list on groups.io.)  Fair amount of interest in CW, because
it's easier.  Folks running pileups.  Folks dabbling in contesting.


> Message: 3
> Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2020 01:56:32 -0700
> From: Dave O <daveokw at gmail.com>
> To: SCCC at contesting.com
> Subject: [SCCC] ARRL FD - N2JNR
> Message-ID:
>         <CAHktUMD1u5Gkam2qF6hrpH-JZ7S34mjwihtFZSJtyr0Q5uzFog at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Call:  N2JNR
> OP:  N2JNR
> CLASS:  1D
> Band     CW     PH     DIG
> 80          11       0        3
> 40         102    10        31
> 20         152    38        27
> 15           5       1          4
> 10           0       0          2
> 6             0       1          0
> 2             1      48         1
> Totals:   271 CW / 98 PH  /  68 DIG
> 437 Total
> Club:  W6KA-FD
> Claimed Score:  1,802 (including bonus points)
> Summary:
> Was definitely experiencing some major noise issues at the home QTH though
> managed to pull 437 contacts, which I felt real good about based on my
> compromised scenario.  Got the W1AW bulletin on Friday.
> For antennas, I used my SmallIR Steppir Vertical as well as a buddipole for
> HF
> GP6 and M2 Satpack eggbeaters for VHF/UHF.
> Timewave ANC-4 to phase noise whenever possible.
> Was happy to have a 2M CW Q added to the log with N6VI as I've been trying
> to find some activity on 2M CW and it never exists.  Also added my first
> FT8 2M contact with a station in San Diego at the beginning of FD.  Close
> to a sweep but missed VT, CT, RI, and IA in addition to Virgin Islands and
> a few provinces.   I believe if I wouldn't have done the 'recommended ft8'
> update I would have easily cleaned up as the new version was very buggy and
> not operating very stable.  FT4 was a little better but also a bit buggy.
> Think next time (and for summer contests) I'll have my buddipole which acts
> as a secondary antenna tuned to 15M instead of 6M as I missed the 2
> openings that I heard happened on 15M.   Sidenote:  I had fun with the
> social end and went live on facebook a few times showing off my shack.  At
> one point there was an audience of about 30 people watching me operate
> (many who didn't know I was a ham and that enjoyed watching the
> experience).
> 73 -
> Dave, N2JNR
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
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> ------------------------------
> End of SCCC Digest, Vol 211, Issue 5
> ************************************

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