Phil Minch ki4mug at gmail.com
Sun Feb 28 15:13:17 EST 2021

SO LP 20 meters
38 QSos
22 states and 1 Canadian Province
FT-450D into MFJ hamsticks at eye level

I spent 5 hours in the chair.  The RF in the shack was a little less
troublesome this time around, but I still can't get that antenna higher or
farther away due to condo restrictions.  I had a few crashes of fldigi from
the RF, a couple in the middle of a QSO which really frustrated me.  I
heard one each station from Brazil, Argentina and Japan, but couldn't work
them.  The Argentine was pretty strong along the gray line.
I was only working 30 Watts since I have conflicting information on what
the Z-100 Plus will handle.


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