Greg De Hoogh gdehoogh at cox.net
Sun Jan 3 22:05:05 EST 2021

Call: N6PM
Operator(s): N6PM
Station: N6PM

Class: SO(A) Dig HP
Operating Time (hrs): 13.5

  Band  RTTY Qs  Dig Qs
    80:              6
    40:            148
    20:            155
    15:             23
Total:    0       332  State/Prov = 49  Countries = 21  Total Score = 23,240

Club: Southern California Contest Club


Operation was about 2/3 FT8 and 1/3 FT4. FT4 was frustrating both because it
requires a bit more coordination and speed than my brain and hand could easily
provide, and because WSJT-X crashed numerous times. I finally found out that
the bug in the software has been fixed in the latest release candidate and
installed that for the last few hours. I only used the amp on 40m, and then
mainly to pick up some EU DX on Sunday afternoon. Antenna is just a 43'
vertical, which is hardly optimal, especially on 15m.

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