Wolf Leverich, WA6I leverich at mtpinos.com
Mon Jan 4 00:36:01 EST 2021

Call: WA6I
Operator(s): WA6I
Station: WA6I

Class: SO HP (100 Watts for PSK)
QTH: San Luis Obispo
Operating Time (hrs): 9.67

 Band     Qs
   80:     9
   40:    14
   20:    87
   15:     4
Total:   112     State/Prov = 35  Countries = 3  Total Score = 4142

Club: Southern California Contest Club


Decided to go back to my roots and do a PSK contest even
if it ate hours out of the RTTY Roundup.  Slow, lots of
folks not used to contest exchanges, lots of fills, but fun.

Had a lot of noise on 3.580.  Looked like a NTSC subcarrier,
but we don't live anywhere near anyone else and it wasn't
coming from our home.  Go figure.

And then there's the guy who sent 0H -- "zero H" as the
state code for Ohio.  I guess there's that one guy in
every contest.  :D

Wolf Leverich

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