WI6X wi6x.73 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 19:34:35 EST 2021

Hi Paul,
Yes, you can get LOTW credit for the stations you work under your call.
You can contest with your call, and the others on your team contest with their calls. 
Individuals scores are combined to score the team.
I’m a newbie, so I could be wrong, but I think I am correct from reading the rules.
Jim WI6X
14. Team Competition: You may wish to form a team with fellow NAQP participants. If so, your team must consist of two to five Single-Operator stations whose individual scores are combined to produce a team score. Although clubs or other groups having more than five members may form multiple teams, there are no distance or meeting requirements for a team entry. Teams must be registered prior to the start of the contest. Use one of the

following online forms to register your team: • CW team registration:


• SSB team registration:


• RTTY team registration:


These team registration forms automatically provide confirmation of team registration by return e-mail. Inclu- sion of team information in submitted Cabrillo logs is not required, as teams are determined ahead of time through the team registration system. 

> On Jan 12, 2021, at 12:59 PM, Paul Gacek via SCCC <sccc at contesting.com> wrote:
> Hi Dennis
> For the uninitiated, what does being on a team mean/entail?
> I am planning on participating from my “new” UCI haunt and most likely only 10/15/20 HP enabled.
> If I’m on a team do I use my own call, can I get LoTW credit for contacts?
> Paul
>> On Jan 12, 2021, at 10:59 AM, Dennis Younker NE6I <NE6I at cox.net> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Fresh off the NAQP CW, it's time for the NAQP SSB!
>> If you would like to be on one of the SCCC teams, please let me know and
>> also let me know how many hours you plan to operate (10 max).  Thanks!
>> --Dennis NE6I
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