[SCCC] WN6K SOAB LP - BARTG RTTY Sprint - 2021

WN6K WN6K at cox.net
Sun Jan 24 14:53:02 EST 2021

           BARTG RTTY Sprint - 2021

Call: WN6K
Operator(s): WN6K
Station: WN6K

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 12:38

 Band  QSOs
   80:   13
   40:   87
   20:  177
   15:    4
   10:    0
Total:  281  Mults = 54  Continents = 4  Total Score = 49,456

Club: Southern California Contest Club


First off, it was raining (well not raining but whatever you can call it in
Southern California) and when it does, my SteppIR does NOT like it.  I do think
that the tubes have a leak in and until it gets sunny enough to dry up the
captured moisture, it does not tune correctly. In that we ONLY get on Annual
average, 22 days of measurable precipitation, this too shall pass.

Don't know if this was the antenna or just band conditions, but the expectations
of the Hungry Hams for some 'pop' were still not met. Never heard from SOUTH
AMERICA or AFRICA. And if it weren't for ONE Long Path contact with Steve, VK3JA,
OCEANIA would have been missing in action as well. 14 EU entities were worked
early on which was a saving grace and kept me hoping.

15m was dismal and 10m was MIA.

Did slightly better than last year's score. When my pages per/hour (book report)
exceeded my Q rate, I decided that I had enough and went from my cold shack to
back up to the warm confines of the Living.

There was an 'incident' near the end when a certain 1x2  W4 kept calling
me...After an Alt K and explaining to him that TEN QSOs in five minutes was
enough of a dupe; The outrage from kibitzers that I should "work him
again" was about the last straw in the hay-bale. 

WN6K, Paul
SO1R - LP (no not the Vinyl type)


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