[SCCC] FOR SALE: Complete Station

Vic Sadesky ki6vc01 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 24 15:03:41 EST 2021

I'm packing up and leaving CA

Item1) US Tower TX455 w/ motor drive and raising fixture also TailTwister
rotator and mast

Item 2) 4 element SteppIR with 40/30 upgrade

Item 3) Icom 756 ProIII with Inrad 70mHz roofing filter. Very high S/N
I would like to see it go as a package. 3,000.00 for all the above. This
includes all coax and control cables and control units. All but the
concrete base.  Plus lots of extra "stuff" including accessories for the
I'm willing to sell separately

Text or fone (760)963 0385

For those that know my active station...the Elecraft stays. I'll need it 5

Thanks and 73

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