Bob Grubic bobgrubic at gmail.com
Sun Oct 17 15:42:50 EDT 2021

I had some fun in the SD NV AZ and PA QSO Parties all at the same time and
all on the same weekend. I worked only CW.
1. Beforehand, I opened a new log in N1MM+ for each of the QSO Parties
(complete with its own set of CW macros.) Some QPs asked for your State,
others for your ARRL Section, one for a Serial Number, etc. Must read the
2. I S&P'ed the whole time during the weekend, coming back to my radio
after a short while to see if any bands had changed, if there were any new
stations on, or if there was new propagation.
3. When I found someone calling CQ, I could tell which QSO Party they were
in from their calling CQ (CQ PA QP...), so I opened the correct log with
the Alt+F and the correct number 1-4 command.
4. Worked the station, then looked for the next caller/QSO Party.
5. It was interesting following the changing propagation from 15m to 80m.
6. It all worked flawlessly.
7. In the end I made 51 casual contacts:
SD QP =  5 QS
AZ QP = 12 Qs
NV QP =  5 Qs
PA QP = 29 Qs
Even bagged two 100-point Bonus stations in SD and AZ!

Then I sent the 4 different ADI files to each of the contest sponsors.

Bob NC6Q

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