[SCCC] ARRL September VHF Contest

Endaf Buckley zerosignal at icloud.com
Wed Sep 15 01:15:34 EDT 2021

Operated from DM03, DM04, DM13 & DM14. See you all for the fall sprints and
then again in January.


73 de Endaf 



Total Contacts = 199

Total Points = 10,608


Total Contacts by Band and Mode:


Band       CW   Phone     Dig   Total       %

----       --   -----     ---   -----     ---

    6        0      26      20      46      23

    2        0      58       0      58      29

1.25        0      30       0      30      15

   70        0      47       0      47      24

   33        0       5       0       5       3

   23        0      13       0      13       7

            --   -----     ---   -----     ---

Total       0     179      20     199     100


Total Contacts by Country:


Country                      Total     %

-------                      -----   ---

USA                            197    99

Mexico                           2     1


Total = 2


Total Contacts by Grid:


Grid        Total     %

---------   -----   ---

DM03           66    33

DM04           65    33

DM13           40    20

DM12           13     7

DM14           10     5

EM04            2     1

DL92            1     1

DM82            1     1

EM10            1     1


Total = 9

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