[SCCC] SCCCORE April Edition Now Available

Steve Harrison k0xp at k0xp.com
Fri Apr 1 13:17:24 EDT 2022

On 4/1/2022 8:30 AM, Tree wrote:
> I might not have all of the facts correct...  but I wanted to take a moment
> to congratulate myself on a decision I made back in day before I moved to
> Oregon from W6 in 1984 (some 38 years ago).  I twisted NE6I's arm to become
> bulletin editor for the SCCCORE.
> I somehow twisted NE6I's arm to take over publishing it and it is great to
> see he is still going strong!!!

Congratulations, Tree, on one of your more lucid, more fruitful, 
long-lasting, and most momentous decisions to positively affect W6 
contesting ever! 8-D

And Dennis, I'm certain I echo the unspoken sentiments of Tree and the 
rest of the gang as I wish you continued success, enlightenment, and 
pursuit of the Golden Keyboard in your endeavors to achieve another 38 
years of SCCCORE bulletin editorship in the next 38 years; long live 
Dennis!! 8-D

On that note, I'll conclude by passing on that I may have positive news 
of my own to reveal very soon; keep yer eyes and ears peeled to this 
channel for a possibly earthshaking development.

SteveH, K0XP


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