[SCCC] K6NR HF Equipment For Sale

Dana Roode K6NR dana.roode at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 18:26:19 EDT 2022

Hello all,

Back just before the pandemic I started to inventory my excess equipment
and sell it.  I did sell a few items, but got distracted by Covid
precautions at the time and didn't finish.  Before I hit the Internet, I
thought I'd run a few items here to see if there is any interest.  List of
HF amps and rigs is below.  I took a shot at some reasonable prices, but
offers are also welcome.





   AL-1200 - former station workhorse, old (early model/serial number), has
   several enhancements from MFJ (bias and antenna switching, new grid meter),
   puts out 1200-1500 watts depending on the band.  I used it in contests
   until 2019 when I got a 1500 watt solid state amp.  It has a blower that
   makes a sound when it stops; I used the amp with an additional external
   fan.  Big and heavy.  160-10 meters  -  $1100

   SGC SG-500 Power Cube - solid state amplifier, about 400 watts at 70
   amps or so. Hasn’t been on the air in awhile, worked well except the
   transmit relay occasionally stuck until a quick power cycle.  160-10
   meters  --  $750

   Samlex N+1 DC Power System 80amp power supply, used for SGC amp above
   --  $300

   SB-221 - stored for over 20 years, reassembled in 2020, tested, works
   10-80 meters but doesn’t load well on 80CW --  $500

HF Rigs


   Elecraft K3 - 100watt, 400hz and 200hz CW filters, antenna tuner, voice
   keyer, general coverage - $1500

   ICOM 756 160-6m transceiver, cw filter - $500

   Elecraft K2 with SSB, antenna tuner,  20 watts  - $800

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