Kurt Pauer w6ph73 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 21 09:16:26 EST 2022

                    ARRL DX Contest, CW - 2022

Call: W6PH
Operator(s): W6PH
Station: W6PH

QTH: Lone Pine CA
Operating Time (hrs): 36.9

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   26     9
   80:  163    31
   40:  501    69
   20:  613    92
   15:  624    88
   10:   97    34
Total: 2036   323  Total Score = 1,972,884

Club: Southern California Contest Club


K3S Expert 1.3K amp SO1R DXLog

Antennas Field Day style on three 60 foot AB-577's
160 - Inductively loaded half sloper below 20m yagi
80 - West and East half slopers below 40 and 15 yagis
40 - 40-2CD
20 - 3L yagi homebrew
15 - 5L yagi N8SM(SK) design
10 - 4L yagi on the 40-2CD boom

Boy, that was fun.  Conditions were like the old days except 10 meters isn't
quite open and 15 meters is getting there.  The multiplier count was way down
but there were plenty of stations to work in Europe and Asia.

I got my antennas up on Thursday afternoon just as it was getting dark.  I use
my neighbor kid to do the cranking as I am 80 years old now and not as strong as
I once was.  I had to do some adjustments Friday morning and had everything
ready by late morning which gave me a chance to take a nap before the contest.

The contest went well with tons of JA's in the log on all the bands except 10
meters where I put JA3YBK in the log as the sole JA.  I got to 20 meters about a
half hour late on Saturday morning as it opened earlier than I had anticipated.
The European stations were loud with their auroral flutter.  It seemed like
everyone was giving out KW as their power.  I stayed there a little too long and
missed the first part of the 15 meter opening to Europe.  With a single radio it
is always a decision where to be.  I always feel I am missing something on
another band.

This is my second ARRL CW from California as I went to VP9 for the previous 20
years.  I doubled my score from last year as a result of the good conditions on
the upper bands.  I usually plan to sleep on the second night as the rate of new
stations is very low compared with the first 24 hours.  It worked well.  I am
not sure how many more 37 hour BIC contests I have left.

The antennas will come down this week.  Their survival is not good in the winds
we get here in the high desert with the 14000 foot mountains five miles west of

This is my last solar cycle and I want to make the most of it.  It was a great

73, Kurt W6PH

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