Dennis Vernacchia n6ki73 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 21 11:53:40 EST 2022


So now with the neighbor kid assist ...

...you'd be Category ; SO1K !?

On Mon, Feb 21, 2022, 6:14 AM Kurt Pauer <w6ph73 at gmail.com> wrote:

>                     ARRL DX Contest, CW - 2022
> Call: W6PH
> Operator(s): W6PH
> Station: W6PH
> Class: SOUAB HP
> QTH: Lone Pine CA
> Operating Time (hrs): 36.9
> Summary:
>  Band  QSOs  Mults
> -------------------
>   160:   26     9
>    80:  163    31
>    40:  501    69
>    20:  613    92
>    15:  624    88
>    10:   97    34
> -------------------
> Total: 2036   323  Total Score = 1,972,884
> Club: Southern California Contest Club
> Comments:
> K3S Expert 1.3K amp SO1R DXLog
> Antennas Field Day style on three 60 foot AB-577's
> 160 - Inductively loaded half sloper below 20m yagi
> 80 - West and East half slopers below 40 and 15 yagis
> 40 - 40-2CD
> 20 - 3L yagi homebrew
> 15 - 5L yagi N8SM(SK) design
> 10 - 4L yagi on the 40-2CD boom
> Boy, that was fun.  Conditions were like the old days except 10 meters
> isn't
> quite open and 15 meters is getting there.  The multiplier count was way
> down
> but there were plenty of stations to work in Europe and Asia.
> I got my antennas up on Thursday afternoon just as it was getting dark.  I
> use
> my neighbor kid to do the cranking as I am 80 years old now and not as
> strong as
> I once was.  I had to do some adjustments Friday morning and had everything
> ready by late morning which gave me a chance to take a nap before the
> contest.
> The contest went well with tons of JA's in the log on all the bands except
> 10
> meters where I put JA3YBK in the log as the sole JA.  I got to 20 meters
> about a
> half hour late on Saturday morning as it opened earlier than I had
> anticipated.
> The European stations were loud with their auroral flutter.  It seemed like
> everyone was giving out KW as their power.  I stayed there a little too
> long and
> missed the first part of the 15 meter opening to Europe.  With a single
> radio it
> is always a decision where to be.  I always feel I am missing something on
> another band.
> This is my second ARRL CW from California as I went to VP9 for the
> previous 20
> years.  I doubled my score from last year as a result of the good
> conditions on
> the upper bands.  I usually plan to sleep on the second night as the rate
> of new
> stations is very low compared with the first 24 hours.  It worked well.  I
> am
> not sure how many more 37 hour BIC contests I have left.
> The antennas will come down this week.  Their survival is not good in the
> winds
> we get here in the high desert with the 14000 foot mountains five miles
> west of
> me.
> This is my last solar cycle and I want to make the most of it.  It was a
> great
> contest.
> 73, Kurt W6PH
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