[SCCC] Something completely different; a man, a radio and a mountain. Ben Nevis the UK's highest

Paul Gacek w6png at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 5 02:18:55 EDT 2022

Greetings all and I hope you find some respite from the crazy warm weather.

While not contesting, I manhandled myself and a radio up the UK’s highest mountain called Ben Nevis in Scotland. While tiny in height compared to what we have out west, it’s still a work out.

If interested, snaps and narrative at https://nomadic.blog/2022/09/05/uks-highest-ben-nevis/ <https://nomadic.blog/2022/09/05/uks-highest-ben-nevis/>

Time to turn my attention to CQP and preparing a contest station with N6MI and N7DA.

Enjoy and happy Labor Day 2022.


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