[SCCC] 2023 FT Roundup

Ryan Huggins KI6BTY at pm.me
Sun Dec 3 22:44:08 EST 2023

 FT Roundup - 2023

Call: KI6BTY
Operator(s): KI6BTY
Station: KI6BTY

Class: SO Unlimited LP
Operating Time (hrs): 15.5
OpMode: SO2R

 Band  QSOs
   80:    9
   40:   39
   20:   27
   15:   36
   10:   59
Total:  173  State/Prov = 39  Countries = 14  Total Score = 9,169

Club: Southern California Contest Club


I had a lot of fun with this one.  Last year I operated for five hours and my antenna (Cobra Ultra-Lite) was in my attic.  Last year, I made 51 Qs in 23 states and only the USA.  This year I had an EF antenna from Palomar Engineers along with my 7100 and in that same period had nearly 100 Qs in over 10 countires!  Can't wait to see what next year's antenna and gear upgrades will bring!

Tried operating on 160m, but didn't hear anyone.  Had a lot of luck on FT4 on Saturday.  Sunday it seemed that there were less people participating.  Still made some good Qs and even an ATNO!  I love that contests bring out the rarely operated places.

For a couple of hours on Saturday and Sunday I ran my 891 with my attic antenna as a second station.  Was more useful Saturday than Sunday, not enough traffic to justify it on Sunday.

Ryan, KI6BTY

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