[SCCC] 1000 ft tower

k7acz at cox.net k7acz at cox.net
Mon Dec 4 00:50:09 EST 2023

Here's a video of how to erect a 1000 ft tower on a remote island.
Makes my 75 ft tower look tiny.
As some of you know I retired from the US Coast Guard as an aviation
CWO. During my 25 yr career I flew to every USCG LORAN station in the
world on USCG C-130's. I have been to Yap five times as well as Palau,
Ulithi, Johnston, Wake, Kure, Kwaj, Iwo Jima, Marcus, French Frigate
Shoals, Midway, Hokkaido, Okinawa, Korea, Philippines, Thailand,
Vietnam and some more in the Asia Pacific region. The Coast Guard
operated LORAN stations all over the world, Europe, Turkey, North
Atlantic, Iceland, Greenland, etc. I've been to them all.
Here is a video of how the Coast Guard installed a 1000 ft tower on
the island of Yap. They had a lot of space to work with. Not as much
space on Marcus and Iwo Jima.
The women on Yap really did walk around topless. We were always asked
not to take pictures of them when we landed. Our C-130 was a curiosity
to the natives. Whenever we landed. They would just walk up to the
plane and look around, even to come inside looking for left over box
lunches or coffee or bug juice we might have. This is just a small
example of my life as aircrew on USCG C-130's as the radio
op/navigator/on scene commander for SAR missions. I really got to see
the world. More info on my QRZ.COM page (link below)
Also will give USA hams a look at where the signals are coming from
during a DX Contest or DXexpedition.
When opening the link if it doesn't start on it's own click on the
little red arrow in the middle of the picture. These are no viruses or
other bugs in the link. Scanned by Norton for safety.
Alan Zack
Amateur Radio Station K7ACZ
Official USCG Auxiliary Comm Station
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Delta Rocket Quality Engineer, The Boeing Company, Retired
Aviation Chief Warrant Officer,  U.S. Coast Guard, Retired
 <http://gocoastguard.com/> http://gocoastguard.com
 <http://www.uscgradio.net/> http://www.uscgradio.net
 <http://www.comm-one.club/> http://www.comm-one.club

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