[SCCC] WinKeyer USB "Dah" Failure??

Steve Harrison k0xp at k0xp.com
Mon Dec 4 04:05:55 EST 2023

Sunday morning, I turned off my amplifier then went and did something 
else for awhile. I came back, found someone to call on 160m, and 
discovered my K1EL WinKeyer USB, version 3, circa 2021, would no longer 
generate "dahs" from within N1MM+. it only sends "dits" now. Had to 
finish the last hour in the 160m contest sending the old-fashioned way, 
by hand with my old homebrew keyer while entering data in N1MM on the 
keyboard, which still worked fine.

After the contest, I spent several hours today removing and checking the 
batteries, checking out the USB connection, changing the keyer ports, 
going through the various "tool kits" that K1EL provides, changing the 
USB cable, even sending stored messages from the Win Keyer USB itself... 
all to no avail... no mo "dahs".

Anyone ever heard of or experienced this failure??


Steve, K0XP

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