[SCCC] WinKeyer USB "Dah" Failure??

John Rotondi, W6JBR w6jbr at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 4 21:52:49 EST 2023

Hello Steve,

This didn’t go through the first time (maybe a link issue?) so I’ll try it again…

If you have not already done this, I would recommend using the WK3tools - Winkeyer Standalone Editor for WK3
to troubleshoot the issue. You can query the WinKeyer3, program it, save and load macros and configurations, and set it back to factory defaults. 

You can find this utility at:
Note that there should not be any other applications currently communicating with the WinKeyer3, in order to access it with this utility.
Also, make sure that you back up the current WinKeyer3 configuration before making any changes.

A reset to defaults may resolve any WinKeyer3 software corruption issues.

I hope this information is helpful.


John, W6JBR

de W6JBR’s iPad
_..  .    ._ _   _ ....  ._ _ _   _...  ._.

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