Jim Price jimjoan78 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 18 19:46:23 EST 2024

I generally don't like this contest much, because EU openings for us on the
WC tend to be early and short, and we spend the rest of the day trying to
crack pileups to work something like a KP4 in the afternoons!  Not much
fun.  So I didn't budget much time.

BUT this year was entirely different.  I can't recall any contest in which
at least one band was open from WC to EU the entire time!  And the signals
from EU were just amazingly strong!

So even though I only managed about 8 hours of operating time, it was
really fun!  Like N6RV said, we could run EU pileups - and I was doing it
with 100 watts!

I really dislike SSB contests, but I'll give ARRL DX SSB a listen this
year.  The 10 and 15 meter phone bands are BIG!

73 to all - Jim K6ZH

 Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
Assisted Category : ASSISTED
             Band : ALL
            Power : LOW
             Mode : CW
 Default Exchange : CA

     ARRL Section : SDG
        Club/Team : SCCC
         Software : N1MM Logger+ 1.0.9917.0

        Band     QSOs     Pts  Cty  Pt/Q
         3.5      21      63   15   3.0
           7     170     510   57   3.0
          14      52     156   36   3.0
          21      74     222   38   3.0
          28     133     399   51   3.0
       Total     450    1350  197   3.0

            Score : 265,950
Time: 8.5 hours

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