[SCCC] Additional link to explanatory message

Steve Harrison k0xp at k0xp.com
Mon Jan 1 20:44:09 EST 2024

On 12/31/2023 4:07 PM, Wolf Leverich, WA6I wrote:
> FWIW, if we're gonna make it hard for the ARRL members to know which Board
> member is doing what, we probably ought to discard the whole geographic
> organization of the BoD and make the whole Board accountable to the entirety
> of the membership.  Or something ...  ;)

IIRC, the sole reason for this geographic distribution of directors is 
because as amateur radio operators from all corners of the country (or 
continent, since the ARRL also represents Canada, a totally-separate 
country AND area), different areas encounter very different (and 
sometimes conflicting with another area's concerns) facets of our 
"hobby". Propagation is what is common to we all; yet, propagation is 
what is most different between each area of the US (and continent, as a 
whole). Weather concerns are also different and concern only certain 
areas; the Pacific northwest, for example, is not the least bit affected 
by a hurricane striking the east coast. Nor does a tornado hitting Lone 
Pine, Colorado, have any effect upon Ft. Wayne, Indiana.

And so, way back in the olden days, Hiram Percy Maxim, himself, proposed 
the concept of geographic area organization of the ARRL. I remember 
reading an article back during the 50th anniversary year explaining this 

I cannot conceive of this sort of geographic area concern being of any 
interest for such national organizations as the AARP, AAA, or any 
others. But note that Congress, itself, is geographically-organized, 
precisely because pork for one state may well be stinky, smelly turds 
for another  8-D  While there are differences between the experiences 
and concerns of diverse retirees of, say, New England versus the US 
southeast, or midwest, or far west; and similarly, while driving habits 
and techniques are somewhat different between those same areas; they are 
all similar-enough as to be able to be ably represented by someone from 
another altogether-different area. With the exception of Congress, the 
ARRL seems to stand alone in this regard.

... And isn't it somewhat disturbing to compare the ARRL to Congress, 
and declare them to be organized similarly for the same reasons....  ==8-O

Steve, K0XP

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