[SCCC] Additional link to explanatory message

Steve Harrison k0xp at k0xp.com
Mon Jan 1 20:05:26 EST 2024

On 12/31/2023 4:51 PM, Steve Harrison wrote:
> I am flabbergasted... this motion for "Bylaw 46" was apparently made 
> by the director of the Midwest Division...
> ... and SECONDED by the PACIFIC DIVISION director... up in San Jose.

After doing a bit of reading and research, I've come to the conclusion that:

a) Both of these characters must have a personal vendetta against Dick, 
as well as an innate desire to push ARRL policy so far off away from 
supporting the members' interests;

b) The Pacific division director, K6WX, who seconded this motion, is 
actually apparently a member of the NCCC (I can't tell for how long, 
however). I have to wonder just what the NCCC has, or is, telling her??? 
If you examine her own QRZ page, she appears to be a solid DX/contest 
freak, and even champions CW to some extent (although I cannot recall 
ever having heard her on CW on the air). That makes me wonder just 
what's going on in her own mind, and is what makes me think that at 
least her support for this motion must be a personal vendetta against Dick.

c) The QRZ page for the Midwest division director, K0AIZ, is about as 
close-mouthed and uninformative as it can be; there is absolutely NO 
information whatsoever about his division visible. This seems to align 
with his sponsorship of this motion, which also pushes the concept of 
secrecy and concealment of ongoing issues and topics.

SO: does anyone have any idea or insight as to just what the NCCC, 
itself, is saying about this motion, and why??

Further reading and research into the other directors continues as time 
(and my bleary and weary eyes) permits. I have to wonder what the other 
USA contest clubs are telling their respective directors?

Also... I'm trying to figure out how to light a fire under my own local 
club's leadership to get them to invoke discussion of this motion. Right 
now, I think my club's leadership is more-inclined to "pooh-pooh" my 
concerns and not push anything, because they may not understand the 
consequences of what will happen if it passes.

Steve, K0XP

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