[SCCC] Additional link to explanatory message

Ryan Huggins KI6BTY at pm.me
Tue Jan 2 12:23:35 EST 2024

My section manager is getting the word out to the local clubs as well.  His guidance is to "Let the decision makers know your opinion - Directors, President, CEO."

Ryan, KI6BTY

On Monday, January 1st, 2024 at 4:41 PM, Steve Harrison <k0xp at k0xp.com> wrote:

> On 1/1/2024 3:37 PM, AOL Mail via SCCC wrote:
> > Ryan, I was thinking of bringing it to the attention of our SCM at the next club meeting which is in a few weeks. Keep me posted if you talk to him earlier. Ray WB6L
> We actually don't have a "few weeks"; the meeting starts on January 18,
> which is only 17 days away now (it's actually apparently on 19 - 20
> January, over the weekend). My own local club doesn't meet until that
> exact day's evening, Jan. 18; so I had to issue a general e-mail to the
> whole club and ask them to attempt to discuss and come to a consensus
> now, before our next club meeting.
> By voicing our approval or disapproval to our directors/vice directors
> now, we are also providing them with information as to how many of their
> constituents presently support or disapprove of this proposed "Bylaw
> 46". While they cannot use that information directly during the meeting,
> they might perhaps be able to at least mention, during the BoD meeting,
> that a certain percentage of their constituents feel this or that way
> about the proposed "Bylaw 46", which may or may not remind other BoD
> members of what happened in 2017, the last time they attempted this
> tactic. Sometimes, a mention of what a poll is saying about a poly
> tickchun's peons is enough to influence their vote the "right" way.
> (Most often, unfortunately, it doesn't, since many of them already have
> their minds made up, and/or have already been paid or bought by some
> "special interest" to vote a certain way; and the poly tickchun believes
> that they know better than their peons do what is "best" for them.)
> But at least we will have tried. And God willing, and if the proposal
> does NOT pass, and the crick don't rise too high, perhaps we can vote
> the intransigents out of office the next time they run.
> Steve, K0XP
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