[SCCC] Attempt to evict N6AA and perhaps others from board Bylaw 46 replacement

Marty Woll n6vi at socal.rr.com
Tue Jan 16 10:21:32 EST 2024

These were two separate incidents, Steve.  Minster is referring to Ria Jairam's 2022 book deal, and the League publication he referenced is the ARRL License Manual.  

The spousal reference was to Katie Allen, wife of then-Director Dwayne Allen; she went to work for CQ years earlier.  They found a way to give Duane a pass, with no recusal required on any level.

Marty N6VI

-----Original Message-----
From: SCCC [mailto:sccc-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Steve Harrison
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2024 10:16 PM
To: sccc at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [SCCC] Attempt to evict N6AA and perhaps others from board Bylaw 46 replacement

Now, I feel more kornfused than ever. Minster says:

"By-law 46 revisions BEGAN with the outrageous behavior of a *director* 
(my emphasis) who violated *her* (again, my emphasis) fiduciary 
responsibilities by creating a competing product to ARRLs #1 selling 
publication. This isn’t some theory about what is right or wrong. The 
errors in judgement were obvious and the narrative that *she* (my 
emphasis) did everything right and received permission is a flat out 
misrepresentation of the truth. What am I saying? It is a lie intended 
to make the *ex-Director* (my emphasis) look like the board was a gang 
of thugs out to get her (my emphasis)."

I thought this was a reference to the time, according to a story earlier 
told on this reflector, when a midwestern *MALE* director's *WIFE 
*apparently went to work for CQ, in apparent competition with ARRL's 
QST?? But Minster goes on to say:

"The REALITY is that *she* feigned ignorance about what *she* was 
REQUIRED to do in communicating *her* proposal that would have CLEARLY 
demonstrated there was a problem in what *she* was asking. Those two 
special board meetings were horrible. No one who is a volunteer wants to 
take action against another. Even when that action was PRECISELY what 
*she* had proposed some 6 months prior."

This, then, sounds as if this *"she"* actually was a director, not 
merely the wife of a director...???

And I thought that the relating of this "story" spoke of the "situation" 
being discussed, and the decision was that this director's wife was NOT, 
after all, in direct competition with the League?? That was so many 
e-mails ago, I can't find it now.

I wasn't a League member in 2017, not rejoining until Spring, 2019 (not 
even sure when I was last a League member before then... maybe briefly 
during the 2007 - 2008 time frame, maybe way back in the 1980's?? I 
don't remember), so I missed the majority of the hullabaloo that 
occurred in 2017, only hearing of some of the aftershocks in 2018. So I 
don't have any idea to which director Minster might be referring.

Regardless... if Minster, or any other ARRL official or representative, 
truly believes that "... *ARRLs #1 selling publication *...", which 
must, obviously, be QST, is in competition with any other North American 
ham publication, then I want some of what they're smoking. The ONLY 
possible competition, for decades, has been CQ magazine (previously, 
before the League took over, then dumbdowned NCJ, NCJ and Electric Radio 
were in a dead heat as my 2nd fav ham pub after CQ)... and the 
corporation CQ now seems to be defunct (I have no hope that CQ will ever 
come back, but certainly hope Rosen can get things put back together and 
resurrect it again). CQ, too, is (or was) also but a remembrance of 
better days gone-by... but at least, it stlll published things of 
interest to me; not so for QST, not for many, many years, long before 
Ham Radio magazine died.

As far as I'm concerned, QST hasn't even been a skeleton of itself for 
at least 20 years, perhaps 30 (maybe 40??). And ESPECIALLY since the 
past year has gone by... the only things that seem the same are the logo 
on the cover, maybe 3 or 4 monthly columns, and the now-pitiful single 
page of classified ads in the back (anybody else remember when QST used 
to have so many classified ads that it took a good half hour to read 
them all?? Even though they were published a month or two after first 
being placed by sellers, they were still pertinent and useful... heck's 
bells, I even bought a transceiver and a receiver from a pair of those 
ads!!). The vast majority of the rest of the League's "books" are hardly 
any better... most are so piss-poor on technical details and articles 
that they're nearly useless as any sort of reference material.

Steve, K0XP
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