[SCCC] Roving Plans for January VHF this Weekend

Tim Goeppinger timgep at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 18 01:53:05 EST 2024

This contest will be a bit different for us.  After years of drought, we are forcasted to get rain on Saturday, and especially on Sunday.  Only a thunderstorm will keep me from
roving, and thats not in the forecast.

I will be roving again this time in the common 4 L.A. basin area grids on Saturday.  As usual, I will be on the 4 low bands as a Limited Rover (6, 2, 222 FM, and 440).   On Sunday I will staying in our area, and try to re-do grids that were poor on Saturday.

If it is raining hard, I will be operating inside my van with mobile vertical mag mount whips on all 4 bands. Because of this I might be cross polarized on SSB.   I will be using the following freqs
   6m:  50.125 SSB  50.095 CW 52.525 FM and 50.313 FT8
   2m:  144.200 SSB 144.195 CW  146.52 .55 .58 FM 144.174 FT8
  222:  223.5 FM
  432:  432.1 SSB,  446.0 FM

Lets try to kick the contest off well the first 2 hours by contacting each other on 6 meter SSB in the range of 50.125 and 50.140.   We can QSY to 2 , 220 and 440 to "run the bands".  This way we won't get bogged down on FT8 making slow local contacts.  This strategy worked well in the past.

I have APRS installed again using on my phone.  You can track me on APRS by going to www.aprs.fi, and searching for N6GP-5.

There is a s possibility that Austin will be on during work breaks from the rare grid of DM02 out on San Clemente Island.  In June they were on 6m thru 432.  Other stations to listen for are Roger K6LMN/R, Endaf N6UTC and Mike KX6A.

Remember, a rover can be worked each time they are in a new grid.  I will appreciate the contacts.  It often takes almost 2 hours drive time and setup between grid changes.  Be patient.  Hope springs eternal for 6 meter openings, but I'm not counting on it, especially since we did not get a winter Sporadic E season this year.

Please join the Facebook Group for So Calif VHF Contesters here https://www.facebook.com/groups/237955553774654/

Lets all try to leverage our advantage of our large number of VHF ops in our area to set some good scores, and to beat those East Coasters!

Tnx & 73,

Tim N6GP/R

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