[SCCC] DM24 in January VHF this Weekend

Steve Harrison k0xp at k0xp.com
Fri Jan 19 01:05:10 EST 2024

If I'm on, it likely won't be very much. I'll only be listening for CW; 
all voice will be ignored, so if you want DM24, brush up on your morish 
code cheat sheet(s)  8-)

I'll be CQing on 50.088 and 144.2 unless there is activity on freq, 
moving up or down 5 to 10 kHz. Although I have radios for 222, 432 and 
1296, those antlers still aren't up yet; maybe in June.


Steve K0XP

P.S. For those who've forgotten: DM24 is due east of the whole LA basin 
only about 120 miles or so; or northeast of Orange county only 150 miles 
or so; or northnortheast to north of San Diego, just 150 - 170 miles 
away. Working me at such close distances should be much like shooting 
ducks in a bucket  8-D

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