[SCCC] Remote AC Power Switch?

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Sun Jul 14 20:24:13 EDT 2024

My IP9258 remote power switch 
(https://www.aviosys.com/products/9258.php) has started to flake out on 
me. For the second time in the last few months, I lost access to the web 
interface. Last night I wanted to spend a few minutes on 80 meters to 
pick-off a few easy multipliers in the IARU contest, but I couldn't 
access the web interface which I use to switch between 160 and 80 meters.

The IP9258 has worked solidly for more than > 10 years, but the security 
aspects of the web interface have always concerned me a bit (passwords 
are limited to 8 characters and the interface isn't encrypted). Now that 
it is getting flaky, I am wondering what the alternatives are?

Does anyone have experience with web accessible remote AC power switches?

Thanks & 73,

Mike W4EF..................

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