Paul O'Kane paul@ei5di.com
Sun, 14 Apr 2002 11:18:35 +0100

----- Original Message -----
From: "John's LineOne" <john.muzyka@lineone.net>

> Just done the Spring UBA SSB contest
> and (SD) has scored EVERY contact as a Multi????

----- Original Message -----
From: "Egbert Hertsen" egbert.hertsen@pandora.be

> As a Belgian participant of the UBA Spring contest
> When working a foreign station, SD askes me to enter
> an area... foreign stations don't have areas, just
> RST + serial...

Thanks to John and Egbert for the information.  The first problem
(all QSOs mults) was related to the question "Mults Count Once
Only or By Band" where I suggested O for Once Only.  I'll have a
fix for that in 9.87.

In Type 4 contests, General - Area Multipliers, SD does not access
a country multiplier file and does not analyse callsigns to get
the corresponding country. That's why it expects an Area Code for
every QSO.  I spoke to Egbert, and he did the right thing by
giving foreign QSOs an Area Code of XXX (meaning "not a Belgian
Club Station"), a valid code in this contest.

Please email me your .ALL files for the UBA Spring Contest and
I'll be happy to fix them.  I'll use SDR to re-score and create a
corrected .ALL file.  SDR is a re-scoring program for SD, RSGB and
Cabrillo logs which will be released soon.

Paul EI5DI