[SD-User] Seanet Contest
Paul O'Kane
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 12:37:55 +0100
The Seanet Contest takes place from 1200 GMT Saturday 17th August
to 1200 GMT Sunday 18th August. Full rules at
SD supports CW and SSB operation in this contest.
SD Setup for DX (non-Seanet Countries)
Select Type 9 - General, Country Multipliers
Mults count : O (Once only)
Points per QSO : 10
Pts/Bonus : 0 (multipliers)
Single/Multi Op : S or M
Next Page : Y
Mode : CW or SSB (your mode now)
Mixed-Mode : Y or N (your choice)
If Mixed -
Mults count on
both modes : N
Work same stn
on both modes : Y
Exchange RST and Serial. Work Seanet stations only - it's not a
Seanet station if SD does not identify the country when you type
the callsign.
SD Setup for Seanet entrants.
Select Type 9 - General, Country Multipliers
.CTY File : DXCC
Mults count : O (Once only)
Points per QSO : 0 (variable)
Pts/Bonus : 0 (multipliers)
Single/Multi Op : S or M
Next Page : Y
Points vary by mode : N
by band : N
by location : Y
Points : 5,10,10 (own country, own continent, other
Mode : CW or SSB (your mode now)
Mixed-Mode : Y or N (your choice)
If Mixed -
Mults count on
both modes : N
Work same stn
on both modes : Y
Exchange RST and Serial. Work everyone.
After the contest, use SDCHECK to create your .LOG (do not select
the Cabrillo option)and .SUM files. Rename them to your call and
email them, as attached files, to g3nom@rast.or.th by 30th
September 2002.
Results will be announced at the Seanet 2002 Convention at The
Acadia Hotel, Perth, Australia on 2nd November, and will be posted
at http://www.qsl.net/seanet2002.
Paul EI5DI