[SD-User] RAEM
UR5FFC" <ur5ffc@ukr.net
Thu, 19 Dec 2002 12:47:29 +0200
Hello group!
Please, pay your attention, it is real cw-fun and for cw-fans:
Russian Cup "Memorial of Ernst Krenkel" ("RAEM")
HF Open Contest
1. Contest is open for licensed radioamateurs of the world.
2. Contest is held by Krenkel Central Radioclub of Russia.
3. Date: last full weekend of December.
4. Contest period:
contest starts on Saturday at 21.00 UTC and consists of eight
one-hour tours and two parts.
In 2002 the contest will be held:
1-st part
December 28: 21.00-21.59, 22.00-22.59, 23.00-23.59 UTC;
December 29: 00.00-00.59 UTC, and
2-nd part
December 29: 05.00-05.59, 06.00-06.59, 07.00-07.59, 08.00-08.59 UTC.
Each station can be worked once per tour.
5. Bands: 160m to 10m, excepting WARC bands.
6. Mode: CW only.
7. Entry:
A- single operator- single band;
B- single operator- multi bands;
C- multi (2 or 3) operators- multi bands;
8. Exchange:
QSO serial number starting with 001, geographic latitude with 1 degree
accuracy, one-letter designator of hemisphere ("N" for North (Nord) and
"S" for Sud (South)), geographic longitude with 1 degree accuracy,
one-letter designator of hemisphere ("O" for East (Ost) and "W" West).
RW9HZZ sends 00157n85o: 001 is QSO number, 57n and 85o are
RX0LWC sends 00144n133o: 001 is QSO number, 44n and 133o are
Contacts with different correspondents but the same QSO number sent
are not valid. Total number of band changes should not exceed 40.
9. Scoring: each contact gives points "for QSO" plus "additional points"
plus points for "geographic coordinates difference":
"for QSO":
50 points for each QSO;
"additional points":
100 points for each QSO with a correspondent, located within polar
300 points for each QSO with memorial station with callsign RAEM;
"for geographic coordinates difference":
each degree in exchanges counts as one point separately for latitude
10. Final score is a sum of points. For participants, located within polar
circle, final score is multiplied by factor 1.1.
11. For SWLs each SWL with both correspondents' callsigns and one of
received, counts 1 point, and each SWL with both correspondents'
and exchanges received, counts 3 points. The same station gives points
per tour. Final score is a sum of points.
12. Contest log should be sent during 15 days after contest to
RAEM Contest Committee of Krenkel Central Radioclub,
P.O. Box 88, Moscow, Russia.
e-mail crcrf@rol.ru
To configure SD for RAEM I use
Contest Name : RAEM (RAEM1...8 for each tour)
Contest Type : 12=EU Sprint (Serial + Name, no RST)
Mode : CW
Points per QSO : 1 (does not matter)
Name : 46N31O (Your Deg Latitude and Deg Longitude)
Please visit www.qsl.net/ur5ffc/soft.html to download small
postcontest program for points calculation according your
log generated by sdcheck.
Certainly, you would not get files for submit your log
automatically, it is necessary to make a part of job
manually, but it does not take a lot of your time.
All is need -
make correction in file.sum according your result.
You can live file.log without changes. Uncomfortable?
You will get a great pleasure of this contest, be sure.
Enjoy ! CU.
73! de Kosta UR5FFC