Paul O'Kane paul@ei5di.com
Fri, 1 Mar 2002 22:20:00 -0000

Just a reminder that the ARRL DX SSB contest takes place this
weekend, all bands 10 to 160m, from 00:00 UTC Saturday 2nd March
to 23:59 Sunday 3rd March.

W/VE entrants - select SD Type 0
DX entrants   - select SD Type 1

A note for DX entrants:  You may not have realised that SD
doesn't require the exact 2-character State code.   The
chances are that anything "reasonable" or unambiguous will
work as intended.  For example, MAIN is OK for Maine, TEX
for Texas, and the single character F will do for Florida,
or B for British Columbia.

Note that QSOs with VE2 (Québec) will be logged as QC, even
if you enter QU or PQ.

With LOGONENTER enabled (the command may be abbreviated to L),
second and subsequent QSOs with any station will be logged
immediately when you complete the callsign field with Enter.

For DX entrants working all bands, you can get a Band/State
analysis for all States by pressing F3. An alternative, for a
single State, is to type the abbreviation in the Callsign
field (no need to press Enter - and use Esc to clear the

After the contest, use SDCHECK to prepare your log in ARRL
Standard Format (Cabrillo). Select Option 4 "Entry File", to
create your .LOG file.  Rename it to YOURCALL.LOG and email
it, as an attached file, to DXPhone@arrl.org by 2nd April.

Paul EI5DI