[SD-User] V9.85 Released

Paul O'Kane paul@ei5di.com
Sat, 2 Mar 2002 09:16:34 -0000

V9.85     1 March 2002

AUTOCW - all programs.
    If you have Auto CW enabled, and change a callsign
    before logging the QSO, the corrected callsign is
    added to the "TU" message (normally F3), to confirm
    the correction to the other station.

    A reminder that, if you don't get the full call the
    first time, you can type ? in the callsign field,
    and this will be included in the exchange sent by
    the keyer.

CW Ports (all programs).
    The PORTS command lets you define the serial or
    parallel ports for 1 or 2 radios. You can now
    choose the same CW port for 2 different radios.

SDICHECK - IOTA Contest Summary Sheet.
    Re-written - Summary Sheet data is now captured
    via a question and answer session.  The intent
    is to accurately reflect the entry class, and
    to eliminate any need for editing the .SUM file

New England QSO Party.
    NEQP.MLT supplied, for entrants outside New England.
    Use Type 4 for single mode, and Type 10 for mixed-
    mode (with different points for CW and SSB QSOs).

SDU - UBA Contest.
    Restored the mode display, and CW speed, beneath
    the callsign logging field. 

SD - FOC Marathon.
    QSOs with G4FOC score two points, but SD scored
    one for G4FOC/P.  Fixed.

    The ADIF Time field has been changed from 6 to 4
    characters (HHMM) - for greater compatibility with
    ADIF import routines in other station loggers.

    Type 10 Contests - Fixed the ADIF Received Exchange

SDJ - RSGB Jubilee Contest 2002.
    SDJ (SD for the Jubilee contest) is released as a
    freeware logger for this single event.

    SDJCHECK is the corresponding post-contest program
    to prepare your Log and Summary Sheet to RSGB

    SDJ will be updated and supported (and operational)
    for 2002 only. Registered SD Users should use SD
    for the Jubilee Contest, because the files created
    by SD and SDJ may not be fully compatible.  If you
    already have SD and would like to try SDJ, please
    install it in a separate folder or directory.

SDCHECK - Summary Sheet.
    The Valid QSO totals counted dupes twice.  Fixed.

The programs may be downloaded from http://www.ei5di.com

Please let me know what you'd like to see in the next update.
Keep copies of the programs you're using now - as insurance!

Paul EI5DI