[SD-User] Helvetia Contest

Paul O'Kane paul at ei5di.com
Fri Apr 25 09:32:45 EDT 2003

The Helvetia Contest takes place from 13:00 26 April to
13:00 27 April 2003.

Rules at

Anyone can use the latest version of SD for this contest,
you don't have to be registered.  You can download the
latest version from http://www.ei5di.com/sd/sd1001.zip

Select SD Type 4 - General, Area Multipliers.

Multipliers Count           : B (by Band) 
Points, CW  QSOs            : 3
Points, SSB QSOs            : 3
Points/Bonus                : 0 (Multipliers)
Name of .MLT File           : HELVETIA
Receive Serials             : Y
Mode                        : CW or SSB
Mixed-Mode ?                : Y or N (your choice)
If Mixed:
  Mults count on both modes : N
  Work same stn both modes? : I don't know, the rules
                              are not specific - does
                              anyone know?

Work Swiss stations only on all 5 bands from 80m to 10m.
Send RST + Serial
Receive RST + Serial + Canton (2-letter code).

After the contest, use SDCHECK to create your Cabrillo
format .LOG file and email it to contest at uska.ch.

Paul EI5DI

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