[SD-User] HOT ctest question

Dieter Klaschka dieter.dl2bqd at addcom.de
Fri Nov 11 05:57:17 EST 2005

Dear Paul,
Sorry for troubling you directly.
I sent an inquiry to the list a  at the beginning of Nov.
concerning this HOT ctest. to be logged manually by SD.

I have got to receive points due to the class of the other partner/ no 
So obviously I have to edit after the test I think.

Please, is there a ctest type or template which enables me to put in 
the points manually during the ctest
(if I could not tell SD before the classes plus correspondings points 
to be counted for me),
 at the end of the single qso?
e.g. resvcd   579003A    thus offering me to score 3 pts which I then 
will write in?

I would like SD to do the scoring for me at least.
( since the ctest rule say that the qsos shall be counted on each band 
starting with 001 I even would
do without two bands, just to avoid a lot of editing and post ctest 
work simply to save time when SD does the final pts-scoring)
Thanks in advance,
72!  Dieter.DL2BQD 

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