[SD-User] Comments

Nick G4IRX nick.sduser at nowindows.net
Sun Jul 22 14:49:31 EDT 2007

Carol Richards wrote:
> 2. The cw sounded somewhat choppy and often went into a garbage mode....incoherent cw, steady carrier, random dits and dots. I needed to use the esc-key to stop it. It got so annoying, I abandoned the cw capability in favor of my programmable external keyer.
I found this out myself today in the RSGB Low Power contest. The 
internal keyer works fine until ask the PC to do something else, in my 
case, opening acrobat reader to read the manual. Still waiting for my 
Winkey kit here...

I also discovered that the CW memories are different in S&P mode to the 
ones in run mode, quickly figured out after finding my reports was going 
out without the appended power level.

Nick G4IRX

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