[SD-User] V14.10 Released

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Wed Sep 24 08:46:23 EDT 2008

V14.10         24th September 2008

RSGB 80m Sprint:
    Added MODE, CLUB, and OPERATORS to the Cabrillo
    header records.

EU Sprint and RSGB 80m Sprint:
    Minor change to the colours of the frequency display
    - with rig-control and ESM enabled.

    Red - you must QSY at least 2 kHz.

    Normal, followed by red #.  This applies only to
    the RSGB Sprints - it indicates you must QSY at
    least another 3 kHz before calling CQ.

    Normal - you may call other stations or call CQ.

    With ESM disabled, or in SSB events, SD does not
    know the mode (RUN or S&P) of the QSO you've just
    logged, and will show the frequency in red.  If
    the frequency is yours (you have just logged a QSO
    where you called the other station), minus toggles
    colour between red and normal - but only when the
    callsign field is blank.        

CW from Printer Ports;
    COM Port settings for LPT1, LPT22 etc were lost
    when SD was restarted.  Fixed.  Thanks G4OGB.

Rig Control - Omni VII
    OMNIVII.SD added - Thanks G4RQI.

District Codes - not multipliers:
    In contests with district code multipliers (Type 4)
    it can be useful to distinguish between codes that
    count as mults and those that don't. Thanks KC8BLL.

    The template parameter NON-AREA-MULTS (already
    used in Type 10 contests) controls this.  If "N",
    district codes not already in the .MLT file are
    logged, but will not be mults.  If "Y", you have
    the option of adding new district codes  - they
    will all count as mults.

    With this parameter missing, the default is "Y".

Voice Keyer:
    When playing, PTT is enabled - this is independent
    of the PTT setting (with PTTON or PTTOFF).  A port
    must first be allocated for CW (yes CW) using the
    PORTS command.

    For serial ports, RTS is used for PTT.  For
    parallel ports it is Pin 16.    


SD is free from www.ei5di.com.

If you find bugs, please send details to sd-user
.at.contesting.com.  Keep an older version of any
program you download as insurance.

Some older versions are available from

Paul EI5DI           

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